Sunday, February 21, 2010

Master Cleanse 4 - Day 2

171.5 (-3.5 lbs)

Day 2 has got to be my favorite day because after getting through Day 1, I get to wake up in the morning and weigh myself and I am never disappointed. I lost 3.5 pounds yesterday! Yes, I know this cleanse is for health and one great side effect that I love is weight loss. Here is my video post.

10:00 pm
It's the end of day 2. I made it through the day. I went to a place where there was food and I almost ate an avocado! I picked it up, looked at it, and then I put it down and ran away from the refrigerator. Am SO glad I stayed strong! Going to bed early and staying away from places where there is food is definitely part of my strategy so I'm going to need to work on how to strengthen myself when I need to be places where there is food around. Other than that, it was a pretty easy day. I find the cleanse tends to get easier the more days I do it, rather than the other way around.

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